Asian Business Outreach Project Survey

Featured in CLTure:
“The Asian community in the Carolinas need help in gathering valuable data to provide valuable resources and education” by Cameron Lee,
Special thanks to our program sponsors:
The Asian Business Outreach Project aims to develop a directory of Asian businesses in North Carolina and South Carolina. Our goal is to better connect the Asian community to existing and future programs that support businesses, including funding, hiring, mentoring, technical assistance, language translation/interpretation, and more.
How do you help?
Complete the 15 question survey. It takes less than 5 minutes to complete.
Why are we doing a survey?
We want our Asian community to have a voice! Our community is often invisible to vital programming that supports our community. This is largely due to the difficulty of being able to find AAPI businesses in online databases (e.g. Google Search, websites). This means Asian businesses completely miss huge opportunities, such as free funding and ways to grow their business.
What locations are we focused on?
North Carolina and South Carolina
Help us expand our reach!
If you know of an Asian business, please share this information with them.
Mecklenburg County businesses who complete our survey are eligible to participate in our Access to Technology Program.
Get access to free technology, such as laptops, security systems, or point of sale (POS) systems! Eligible applicants must submit applications by December 10, 2024 to participate in the program.